QUESTION NO 1 1) pt presented vth unable to move his rt upperlimb followed by recurrent episodes of rt sided focal seziures. risk factors in him are alcoholic, smoker, diabetic,on presentation BP was high(170/100mmhg). According to h/o pt might be having cerebrovascular event follwed by focal seziures. Anatomical location could be ?frontal lobe involvement ( imp for cognitive functions and control of voluntary movements), ? parietal lobe (it processes information about movement) could be ? anterior circulation stroke. 2) sub cortical infract - occur in the supplying area of a single, deep perforating brain artery and are mostly felt to be a consequence of cerebral small-vessel disease (CSVD). Cortical brain infarcts - infarcts involving cortical gray matter, but may differ considerably in size. ... Small cortical infarcts were mainly localized in external watershed areas, whereas large cortical infarcts ...