64/M with obstructive uropathy

 This is online E-blog, to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking her guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from  available global online community of experts with an aim to solve the patients clinical problem with current best evidence based input.

This E-blog also reflects my patient's centred online learning portfolio. 

A 64yr old male presented to casualty with generalised oedema, decreased urine output, Shortness of breath since 10 days 

He was apparently alright 4 years back, had  history of pain abdomen and abdomen tightness and was brought to hospital, diagnosed with renal calculi and underwent PCN in our hospital and was discharged in 3-4 days 

He was diagnosed to be diabetic and hypertensive 2 years back and on irregular medication 

He had another admission around November of 2020 on being unresponsive and was in ICU for 4-5 days diagnosed to be hypoglycaemic and on OHA’s labs showing creatinine of 5.94 and was advised for dialysis and on refusing was discharged 

He had on and off pedal oedema with no history of decreased urine output, hematuria, frothy urine or lower urinary tract symptoms 

10 days back he had history of fever with loose stools with decreased urine output for one day and anuria for 3 days and was taken to local hospital and underwent 4 sessions of hemo dialysis ( creating 12.1 ) on economic constraints he was referred to our hospital for further management 

He was happily married with three sons 

Owns three acres of land and is farmer by occupation used to grow oranges or cotton or rice later on since 10-12 months he was unable to go to work 

He has an occasional intake of alcohol( monthly once or twice ) and smokes tobacco pipe daily for the past 10-15 years 

General examination :

On admission 

Pallor + 

Anasarca +

Pitting type 


BP : 160/90 

PR : 106/m 

Febrile to touch : 101F 

No Icterus,cyanosis,clubbing and lymphadenopathy 

JVP:not elevated 

Bp : 150/80mmhg,in left arm in sleeping position 


RS:Bilateral air entry present

Normal vesicular breath sounds present 

Bilateral inspiratory crepts are present in basal areas 

CVS:S1 and S2 are present 





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